In 2002, a friend of mine, Don Fisher, asked if I would do sports photos of the Crawford Pirates for a new newspaper, the Texas Iconoclast. I agreed to do it, and started photographing the team. 

The Iconoclast only lasted a couple of years, but by that time I'd gotten used to photographing the Pirates, and didn't want to quit. Charles Mooney , with the McGregor Mirror, said he could use my photos, so I continued. 

By that time, I'd purchased the domain name, I got it when I overheard Delbert Kelm use the term, and thought it sounded good. Since the newspapers could only print a few photos, I started putting up galleries of the games. This allowed me to get photographs of all the players, and other things going on around the field. Charles passed away, and the Mirror has changed hands a couple of times, although they still use my photos, as does the Waco Trib. 

People have asked me why I do the photography and run the site, as it's never been a money making proposition. Some people hunt. Some people fish. I take photos of the Crawford Pirates. 

On August 1, 2024, I changed hosting agencies. It's the third time I've done it, but this time is a little different. Every other time, I'd just transferred all the files. There were about 40 gigabytes of files, and a lot of them weren't relevant, anymore. So, I'm rebuilding the site from ground zero, and it may look a little bare at first. 

Hopefully, the students enjoy the photos, and have good memories when they see them years from now. That's the purpose of this site. 

The Catch

The winning catch in the 2004 State Title Game